Saturday, March 30, 2013

Nested tables using reportx

Nested Table:

One of the highlights of reportx framework is that you can create nested tables very easily... In this post, I would like to show an example of this feature.

A simple nested table that we would like to create is:

Source Code:

The demo tcl application code and associated template and style definitions are available at reportx github project repository.

Friday, March 22, 2013

reportx - Tcl Framework To Generate Tabular Reports

The reportx Framework:

  • Tcllib is an excellent set of libraries used in various areas of applications like networking, data structures, documentation, mathematics.... etc. etc.
  • The ::report and struct::matrix packages of tcllib can be used to generate tabular reports such as the one below: 

In this post, I will present a small framework that simplifies the usage of these two packages in generating tabular reports. This framework is named reportx. The reportx framework itself contains only one method/proc named ::reportx::format.

The format method takes 3 arguments (onely one mandatory and 2 optional):
  1. Tabular Format Template:
    1. Defines the structure of the report starting outer most table to rows inside the table and the columns in each row.
    2. Is a nested/recursive structure. Hence, you can define a cell to create sub-tables.
    3. Can have Tcl variable names (e.g. $company_name) that will be substituted with values later.
    4. Can also mention the name of the style definition to be applied to the outer most table, rows and columns.
  2.  Data Values: Optional list of name-value pairs that will be used to substitute the variables in the template.
  3. Style Definitions: Optional list of style definitions of the style names used in the template
The signature of this method is:
proc ::reportx::format {template   {subst_data ""}   {styles_def ""}}
::reportx::format method returns a string that contains the entire formatted report that can be sent to a printing framework.

Source Code & Demo:

The source code and demo applications can be downloaded from: reportx github repository


I must thank Hai for his blog on Tcl Print CSV File from where I've learnt about the ::report package.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tcl Proc To Convert A Number To Words

# Does not like 0 as its argument
# Handles well beyond 1,76,000 Crores :-)
# Modified from: Cognitive Pabulum

proc inwords {n} {
    array set ones { 0 "" 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 5 Five 6 Six 7 Seven 8 Eight 9 Nine }
    array set teens {
        10 Ten 11 Eleven 12 Twelve 13 Thirteen 14 Fourteen 15 Fifteen
        16 Sixteen 17 Seventeen 18 Eighteen 19 Nineteen
    array set tens { 2 Twenty 3 Thirty 4 Fourty 5 Fifty 6 Sixty 7 Seventy 8 Eighty 9 Ninety }

    if {[expr $n / 10] == 0} {
        return $ones($n)
    } elseif {[expr $n / 100] == 0} {
        if {[expr [expr $n / 10] % 10] == 1} {
            return $teens($n)
        } else {
            return "$tens([expr $n/10]) $ones([expr $n % 10])"
    } elseif {[expr $n / 1000] == 0} {
        return "[inwords [expr $n / 100]] Hundred [inwords [expr $n % 100]]"
    } elseif {[expr $n / 100000] == 0} {
        return "[inwords [expr $n / 1000]] Thousand [inwords [expr $n % 1000]]"
    } elseif {[expr $n / 10000000] == 0} {
        return "[inwords [expr $n / 100000]] Lakh [inwords [expr $n % 100000]]"
    } else {
        return "[inwords [expr $n / 10000000]] Crore [inwords [expr $n % 10000000]]"

puts "67543: [inwords 67543]"
puts "67500: [inwords 67500]"
puts "15500: [inwords 15500]"
puts "17001: [inwords 17001]"
puts "1000: [inwords 1000]"
puts "999999: [inwords 999999]"
puts "9999999: [inwords 9999999]"
puts "99999999: [inwords 99999999]"
puts "999999999: [inwords 999999999]"
puts "9999999999: [inwords 9999999999]"
puts "99999999999: [inwords 99999999999]"
puts "999999999999: [inwords 999999999999]"
puts "9999999999999: [inwords 9999999999999]"
puts "1760000000000: [inwords 1760000000000]"


67543: Sixty Seven Thousand Five Hundred Fourty Three
67500: Sixty Seven Thousand Five Hundred
15500: Fifteen Thousand Five Hundred
17001: Seventeen Thousand One
1000: One Thousand
999999: Nine Lakh Ninety Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine
9999999: Ninety Nine Lakh Ninety Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine
99999999: Nine Crore Ninety Nine Lakh Ninety Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine
999999999: Ninety Nine Crore Ninety Nine Lakh Ninety Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine
9999999999: Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Crore Ninety Nine Lakh Ninety Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine
99999999999: Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Crore Ninety Nine Lakh Ninety Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine
999999999999: Ninety Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Crore Ninety Nine Lakh Ninety Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine
9999999999999: Nine Lakh Ninety Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Crore Ninety Nine Lakh Ninety Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine
1760000000000: One Lakh Seventy Six Thousand  Crore